5 Ways to Use Theatre to Engage Your Entire School Community

In the collaborative art of musical theater, there truly is a part for everyone! While not every student enjoys tap dancing and singing solos, theater can appeal to all types of learners and engage a variety of skills. Because of its collaborative nature, your musical is a fantastic way to bring a community together. Here are a few tips to engage your entire school community:
1. Community Night
Many hands make light work! With sets to build, costumes to sew, and programs to fold, there is no shortage of work when producing a school play. Host a community night to help check it all off your to-do list. Invite parents and community members to paint the set, fit costumes and enjoy a sneak peak of a song from your show.
2. Fundraising Group
Organize a group of students and put them in charge of raising funds to keep your theater program sustainable. Students can sell ads in the show program or playbill, organize bake sales, and sell concessions to help fundraise for future productions.
3. Marketing & Publicity Crew
Drum up excitement for your production by engaging a group of students as the marketing team. Students can work in groups to create posters, promotional videos, online blogs, and social media posts to promote your show.
4. Stage Crew
Many students prefer the challenge and responsibilities backstage to performing. Capitalize on this enthusiasm by creating a student stage crew. Backstage responsibilities can include operating the curtain, orchestrating scene changes, managing props and costumes, and operating lights and sound.
5. House Staff
You’re in the entertainment business, so hospitality is a must! Recruit students and parent volunteers to serve as ushers, ticket takers, and box office representatives for your show. This group of students and adults is responsible for ensuring a smooth audience experience at each performance and can additionally be responsible for creating your show’s program and tickets.